May 7, 2009

Symbol Key and Correction Post (due May 18)

Hey, everyone. Below is the key for the symbols I used to mark your blog post #4. Using this key, plus the notes you took in class today, please make your corrections and publish them in a *new post*!!

Correction post due: May 18

Use this opportunity to win some extra points for your blog grade. I will grade this correction like the other usual posts: 2pts for complete, 1 pt for partial completion, and 0 pts for not doing anything.

Symbol Meaning Example

S Incorrect Spelling *I recieved your letter.
W.O Wrong Word Order *We know well this city.
T Wrong Tense *If he will come it will be to late.
C Concord - Subject and Verb do not agree *Two policemen has come.
WF Wrong Form *That table is our.
S/P Singular or plural problem *We need more informations.
λ Something Missing *They said λ was wrong.
( ) Something is not necessary *It was too much difficult.
?M Meaning is not clear *Come and rest with us for a week.
NA Use not appropriate *He requested me to sit down.
P Punctuation *Whats your name.
WE Wrong expression * For one side
WW Wrong word * Where do you guard the dishes?
SS Sentence Structure * (See your class notes!)
L Capitalization * i was in santiago.


pazu said...

my blog, if you don't know,
María Paz Duarte

Olme said...
hi miss...
you asked me about my blog posts 1, 2 and 3 and there is the link.

You can see them by date, because I put it into my blog the same day in class but I did not know that well in the beggining so I put them on the comentaries part.

I hope you can check... bye bye