August 27, 2008


Hello, All!

Welcome to our class blog. We will use this page to publish assignments and tips for blogging in English. I suspect many of you already have experience blogging, and if you would like to add your own tips to this page, just comment below.

Should I comment on others' blogs? Yes!

Once you have completed your own blog post, take a few minutes to look at the posts your classmates have made. If you like, you may link to each other's blogs or use this class homepage to find others' blogs.

First Blog Assignment:

1. Follow the instructions and create your blog. Make sure you select English as your working language and activate the comments option (automatic by default).

2. Link your teacher’s blog and ALL your classmates’ blogs. To do this you will need to write your URL on the whiteboard.

3. Write a short introductory post.

Who you are and what English learning objectives you hope to achieve through using your blog (50 words minimum).

4. Leave comments on at least 3 of your classmates’ blogs.

5. Personalize your blog (e.g. add a presentation, survey, change colour fonts, etc).